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Andrews Bibliography of Ethnic Minority Scholarship in Theology: About


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About the Bibliography



Terry Dwain Robertson, Seminary Librarian, James White Library, Andrews University

Systems Editor

Zorislav Plantak, Systems Librarian, James White Library, Andrews University


Bibliography of academic and professional publications (2000-present) by current faculty of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) who were reported as an ethnic or racial minority. The 2021 statistics reported 700 faculty in categories other than White (Non-Hispanic). The ATS collects data on the race/ethnicity of faculty using six categories:

  • Asian or PI
  • Black (Non-Hispanic)
  • Hispanic
  • Indigenous
  • White (Non-Hispanic)
  • Multiracial

The entries in the Bibliography include at least one author from a racial/ethnic identity other than White (Non-Hispanic). These entries can be searched by race/ethnicity in addition to author, title, and keywords. The records also include a curriculum tag. Links are provided to access the titles in the James White Library Catalog or in James White Library mediated online subscription databases when available. 


As one part of a grant from the Lilly Endowment., Inc., awarded to the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary to enrich and support Urban Ministry, this bibliography serves to showcase scholarly and professional publications by racial/ethnic minorities. It is believed that when appropriate, these publications contribute to the diversity, inclusion and equity climate of professional theological education and better engage racially/ethnically diverse students.

Added Value

Exhaustive databases of scholarly citations already exist, both human mediated and AI generated. This bibliography acknowledges both the racial/ethnic identity and affiliations of the authors. Therefore this bibliography empowers both professors who assign readings to students and student researchers to intentionally engage authors embracing their identities. Furthermore, the curriculum tags group citations into the conventional fields of study found in Theological education.


1. Identified potential authors by reviewing faculty pages at ATS schools.

2. Searched by author name in Atla Religion Database, Ebsco Ebook Religion Collection, James White Library catalog, and test searches in other databases.

3. Exported selected records into an EndNote database.

4. Exported aggregated data from EndNote to Excel

5. Added links to faculty author pages, validating accuracy and currency.

6, Added Andrews University proxy access links where required and available.

7. Added curriculum tags.

8. Imported data into Koha

Ongoing Tasks

Engaging schools to verify accuracy and inclusivity of racial/ethnic minority faculty. A survey of faculty pages alone may have overlooked some valid authors due to ambiguities in the photos and/or personal information.

Engaging authors for permissions to "publish" verified racial/ethnic designation and affiliation, and to provide complete list of publications.


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Terry Robertson
James White Library
Andrews University
4190 Administration Dr.
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1400