The Greenwood dictionary of education /Available at Reference/Main Floor (LB15 .G68 2003)
All titles are found in the library catalog.
Many education books will be found on the 2nd Floor of the Library.
LB5-3640 Theory and practice of education
LB1025-1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice)
LB1050.9-1091 Educational psychology
LB1705-2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators
LB1771-1773 Certification of teachers
LB1775-1785 Professional aspects of teaching and school administrators.
LB2341-2341.95 Supervision and administration. Business management
LB2361-2365 Curriculum
LB2801-3095 School administration and organization
LB3011-3095 School management and discipline
LB3050-3060.87 Educational tests, measurements, evaluations
LB3201-3325 School architecture and equipment. School physical facilities. Campus planning
LB3602-3640 School life. Student manners and customs