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Faculty Support Services

This portal provides information about library resources and services that can support faculty teaching and research


Endnote is a software that allows researchers to manage and publish bibliographies, citations, and references. It is available for faculty, staff, and students to download through the James White Library.         


SPSS is a statistical analysis software commonly used by the social sciences, health sciences, and marketing. The software is designed to aid researchers in everything from data collection to analysis and reporting. SPSS is available for use on select computers at the James White Library and the ITS Computer Lab. The software may be installed on other computers owned by the university as well (contact Tim Trine).


This is a set of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to authors and creators to protect their original works.   The law allows an author or creator to control how their works are copied, distributed, or performed by others. Andrews University faculty, staff, and students are expected to follow copyright law, Title 17 of the United States Code, in all their teaching and research activities. Read the  copyright regulations here.

Citation Help

Citation Helps page has an abundance of information on research and citation.


NVivo is an analytics software for qualitative research. It can be used for collecting, organizing, and analyzing content from interviews, focus groups, surveys, etc. NVivo is available for faculty and students (with special permission) to download through the James White Library. Please contact Zorislav Plantak for more information. For tutorials and webinars please visit the Andrews NVivo Education Center.   

AU Standards of Written Work

This manual is intended as a guide in writing term papers, research projects, theses, doctoral dissertations, and any other written work in connection with course work or degree requirements. It sets forth format requirements that are unique to Andrews University.