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Faculty Support Services

This portal provides information about library resources and services that can support faculty teaching and research

The James White Library promotes Information Literacy programs through course-related instruction and workshops. Tours, search strategy development, evaluating web sites and other sources, and instruction on specific databases can be tailored to a specific courses.

Information Literacy at Andrews University

James White Library strives to develop information literacy in Andrews University students so they may improve scholarship, create knowledge, achieve educational goals, and become lifelong learners.

Request an Instruction Session

The library offers library instruction for your classes. Use the Library Consultation Request Form, with the date, time and menu option. Or contact Information Literacy Librarian by email, or phone 269-471-6263, Together with your liaison librarian they will design a class session that meets your students’ needs.  Submit requests not less than one week in advance. Include course name and number and the number of students who will be attending. It is also helpful to provide the librarian with a copy of the assignment the students will be working on.
(See Information Literacy Programs Instructions).

Credo Instruct Modules

 CREDO’s Instruct is a suite of information literacy e-learning modules that provides teaching resources for faculty to stupport formalized  AAC&U-aligned instruction, both in-person and online. Information literacy is one of the criteria designated by the Institutional Outcomes for undergraduate education and students’ learning outcomes. Faculty can upload any of its videos, tutorials, exercises, and quizzes into their course LearningHub.

How to Use the Credo Instruct - Information for Faculty

This guide includes information on how to integrate Credo Instruct into courses.

Information Literacy (for your Students)

Critical Thinking (for your Students)