James White Library subscribes to several publisher collections. Those listed below have the most relevant content for D.Min. areas of research.
Oxford Journals OnlineThis link opens in a new windowOxford University Press (OUP) publishes the highest quality journals and delivers this research to the widest possible audience. We achieve this by working closely with our society partners, authors, and subscribers in order to provide them with publishing services that support their research needs.
Sage JournalsThis link opens in a new windowSAGE is the world's 5th largest journals publisher. Our portfolio includes more than 1000 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 400 are published on behalf of learned societies and institutions. (website)
ScienceDirectThis link opens in a new windowScienceDirect is a leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research.
Wiley Online LibraryThis link opens in a new windowWiley Online Library hosts the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 6 million articles from over 1500 journals, over 19,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases. (website)
Journal Databases from Cognate Disciplines
Communication SourceThis link opens in a new windowThis resource offers information for scholars studying mass media, communications theory, linguistics, organizational communication, phonetics and speech pathology. It includes many unique full-text titles not available in other EBSCO academic databases and features backfile coverage of top communication sources.
ERICThis link opens in a new windowIndex of journal articles, books, theses, curriculi, conference papers, standards, and guidelines on a wide range of education topics. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.
APA PsycInfo®This link opens in a new windowThis database is published by the American Psychological Associations and provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts of the international psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. Documents indexed include journals, articles, books, dissertations and more. 90% of the 3,000+ titles indexed in PsycINFO are peer-reviewed.
(1806 - current)
Social Services AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowThis database provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and community development. The database abstracts and indexes thousands of serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations and citations to book reviews.
Coverage: 1979 - current
Social Work AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowOf interest to most D.Min. cohorts, including:Chaplaincy, Discipleship and Biblical Spirituality, Family Ministry, Leadership, Missional Church, Urban Ministry, Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Sociological AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowThis database abstracts and indexes the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from thousands of serials publications and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers and working papers. Cited references are included for many journal articles.
Coverage: 1952 - current