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Information Literacy Resources for Faculty: Home

This guide includes videos, tutotrials, lesson plans, and more resources for faculty wishing to integrate information literacy more deeply into their courses.

Information Literacy Instruction

We provide customized information literacy instruction across the curriculum. Schedule a face-to-face instructional session with one of our librarians. With our instruction, students will be able to:

  • define their topic and formulate a research query
  • determine relevant key-words to improve the search results
  • formulate search strategies limiting and expanding the search results
  • distinguish various information sources
  • search for information across knowledge platforms
  • evaluate sources for credibility
  • incorporate  their research into their assignment
  • cite their research properly

If you teach an online class, we provide synchronous or asynchronous online instruction with an embedded librarian as well as a variety of online resources that can be embedded into your Moodle course.

Embedding Instruct Modules into Classes

As Faculty, you can integrate Credo's resources, Information Literacy and Critical Thinking more deeply into your courses. To embed Instruct tutorials and videos in your courses, please click on the video below for instructions. To access the Credo Resources guide that the DLiT department has created, Click on the video below or click on this link: Embedding Instruct to Classes.

The following guide offers a demo of all the resources that are available to you, and you can simply import them into your course(s)

How We Can Work With you

We can:

  • Help you design an effective research assignment that anticipates potential student stumbling blocks.
  • Recommend specific library resources, as well as sources, source types, and tasks to meet your assignment's information literacy learning outcomes.
  • Suggest the most appropriate type of library instruction: class session, part of a class session, scaffolding through multiple class sessions, online research guide, print handouts tutorials, etc.Schedule library instruction at student's  point of need to coincide with when they are most motivated to learn.
  • Provide instruction in our library classroom or in yours.
  • Stay in touch with your students to provide follow-up assistance after the library session through email and individual consultions.

Reference / Database / Off-campus Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Silas Marques
Room 222, Main Floor, James White Library
(269) 471-6263

Learning Outcomes for General Education