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Information Literacy Resources for Faculty: Credo InfoLit Modules

This guide includes videos, tutotrials, lesson plans, and more resources for faculty wishing to integrate information literacy more deeply into their courses.


The Library provides Credo InfoLit Modules for student and faculty use. The InfoLit Modules provide high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials on information literacy and critical thinking skills. The InfoLit Modules are ideal for supplementing and supporting your classroom instruction, online teaching, or student remediation needs.

To browse and view all of the videos, tutorials, and quizzes available, go to this website.

What's Included

  • Multimedia: 60+ instructional videos, tutorials, and assessments
  • Quizzes and pre-post tests: Demonstrate impact of information literacy instruction
  • Instructor guides: Documented learning outcomes, related information literacy standards, discussion topics, and activity ideas.

How Can You Use the InfoLit Modules?

  • Use flipped classroom modality to deliver essential content, while saving class time for subject-specific instruction
  • Supplement your research assignments with information literacy content and quizzes
  • Remediate students with on-demand viewing of embedded materials
  • Partner with your librarian to enhance library presentations to students

Setting up and Using the InfoLit Modules?

  • Select any part of the modules to use, from one element to all six modules. Our Library Instruction Librarian can help you pick the ideal tools to meet your student learning outcomes.
  • The Library provides you with the URLs and embed codes that make it easy to integrate instructional materials into Moodle. We can assist with selecting content to fit your syllabus and lining them in Moodle.

More Information About the Modules

1. How to Use the Modules

2. Teaching with the Modules Guides

3. Video: Why IL Matters to Faculty

4. Tutorial: Designing Effective Research Assignments