Open Carrels.
There are 109 open carrels available for checkout to graduate students on a semester basis. They’re generally assigned by academic status, and they are renewable every semester.
Closed Shared Carrels.
There are 6 shared carrels available for checkout on a semester basis to Doctor of Ministry students who are writing their theses and dissertations. They are renewable for up to 2 years.
All carrels are cataloged and you may see their availability status in the library catalog. Open carrels do not need an application. simply go to the Multi-Media Service Desk and request for an available carrel. You will need to fill and submit an application form online for a closed study carrel.
Interlibrary Loan
James White Library processes requests for teaching and research materials not available at the library but located in other libraries at no charge. Only Andrews University students, faculty and staff who have currently validated Andrews ID cards are eligible for this service. Request forms and other policies are available online. Click here.
The Michigan eLibrary Catalog (MeLCat) is a centralized Michigan State resource sharing service for sharing materials among all types of libraries in the State of Michigan. If you are looking for an item that is not available at the James White Library, you may be able to request it through the MeL Catalog (MeLCat) .
For further assistance with MeLCat, please contact the ILL and MelCat Desk – (269)471 3506, Email:
Course reserve materials are available at the Circulation Desk. They are materials reserved by Andrews University faculty members as required readings for specific courses. Loan periods are 1,2,3, or 4 hours, 1 or 2 days. Overdue fines for hourly loan is $0.25 per hour and fines for a day loan is $0.50. You may access the list of course reserves in a folder at the desk, or check for information at the library web page via this link.
Faculty may place personal or library materials on reserve. A course reserve submission form must accompany all reserve materials. You may pick up a form at the Circulation Desk.
Private Carrels (double occupancy)
There are 22 carrels available for checkout to doctoral students. They’re renewable every semester for up to 4 years. To apply for any of these carrels, application forms are available at the main Circulation Desk.
Private Carrels (single occupancy)
Main Floor. There are 13 single occupancy carrels reserved for Seminary Ph.D. students on the Main Floor. Holders may have the carrels up to three years. Additional time is allowed with program and advisor support. Carrel holders must renew their carrels each semester. Application forms are available at the main Circulation Desk.
Upper Level. There are 9 single occupancy carrels reserved for Ph.D. students in Education and nursing students on the Upper Level. Holders may have the carrels up to three years. Additional time is allowed with program and advisor support. Carrel holders must renew their carrels each semester. Application forms are available at the Multi-Media Circulation Desk.
Study Rooms.
There are 3 study rooms located on the lower and upper floors of the library. They can be reserved for a 2-hour period. Students can make reservations up to 2 weeks in advance, but not more than 2 hours per day.
To reserve a study room, please come to the main Circulation Desk and ask the staff at the desk to make a reservation for you.
The Library has designated Room 223 as a video conferencing room to support AU online collaborative learning. Students are able to connect and access online classes via Zoom sessions and other teaching and learning activities that are virtual.
To make a reservation, sign up at:
Services for Off-Campus Education Students
Use the ILL request form to request for ILL materials.
Eligibility: AU students who live 100 miles or more from AU and have a currently validated Andrews ID card and an Andrews’ username and password are eligible for this service.
Delivery. James White library offers book delivery services via UPS.
Return. Request the library to send you a prepaid return label vial email a week before the due date on the book strap.
Loan Period. Books are loaned for 4 months with one renewal for 3 months.
Recall. Books can be recalled after 3 weeks. When a book is recalled, the new due date is 3 days after the recall invalidating the date on the book strap. Overdue fees of $1 per day applies.
Cancelation. If a request is no longer needed, immediately send a cancelation notice to with the complete citation of the item being canceled.
Cost: This is a free service. There are charges for overdue books with no grace period. Additional charges may be incurred for losses and damages. A book that is one month overdue is considered a lost book and $120 amount will immediately be charged to the borrower’s account.
Contact: Mailing address - Interlibrary Loan, James White Library, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1400; Email –; Phone – 269-471-3506.
For more information, please follow this link:
Lockers are available for students’ use. There are 30 lockers on the Main Level and 60 on the Upper Level.
Student Locker Eligibility
Application Procedure
Patron Responsibility
View Student Lockers' Policies : Student Lockers :: Andrews University